Thursday, May 6, 2010

BP's Slick Greenwashing

from Mother Jones. This is the way corporations function under a capitalist system which legally requires them to pursue profits above all else. Hence they must make every effort through public relations (managing consent) to appear to be environmentally responsible while cutting corners by ignoring safety and environmental regulations. 

It follows that a more accurate slogan than the popular quote ("it's the economy, stupid!") from one of our great capitalist Presidents (Bill Clinton who sold us globalization) would be: "it's the economic system, stupid!"
For the last decade, BP has been busily engaged in a multi-million-dollar greenwashing campaign. Changing its name from British Petroleum to BP, the company adopted a new slogan, “Beyond Petroleum,” and began a “rebranding” effort to depict itself as a public-spirited, environmentally sensitive, green energy enterprise, the very model of 21st century corporate responsibility.