...guaranteed U.S. access to "strategic reserves" of "strategic minerals", where possession is nine tenths of the game and the resources are just as valuable still in the ground as mined and processed for market, is a heady brew to mostly-hawkish senior policymakers and Very Serious think-tankers, especially if the end of the sentence goes 'and China doesn't get them". [The report] will be used to add some geopolitical weight to the arguments McChrystal and others are already beginning to make as to why they should be allowed to break their promise to Obama and the U.S. should stay in Afghanistan a few years longer.
in the time remaining, to help us understand how the man-made system of capitalism will lead to the extinction of our human species, and so many others.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Afghanistan's Mineral Riches: A Conveniently Timed Zombie Story (Updated)
from News Hoggers. The author provides convincing evidence that the recent revelation of Afghan riches is the Pentagon's attempt to cover its ass and prolong the occupation.