Monday, July 19, 2010

The War on Wall Street May Be Over, Guess Who Is Winning?

by Danny Schlecter from Creative-i.  The author looks at the recently passed financial "reform" bill, and the interpretation given it by the "newspaper of record".
The political environment seems grim, not only for Obama, but for all progressive change. That moment may have passed. This does not mean the public is not angry, only that’s its anger is deliberately being channeled by our media in a false direction, into bashing deficits and Dems, not the men in the shadows who are calling the shots.
The "men in the shadows" are always with us pulling the strings behind the puppet show which is called, "Democracy in America". Until we see through all the corporate media garbage and look at the real show, the real people pulling the strings, we will continue on the road to economic chaos and environmental degradation.