Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scotland: Not if people fight back, but how

by Colin Fox from Green Left

The author knows that we must fight the cutbacks, just doesn't know yet how. In any case, he does make a very good case for fighting back. Because the causes are the same everywhere, the cuts are coming to all areas of the Empire. Once working people understand the causes and the necessity to fight back, they will figure out what to do. 
...those who caused the crisis are forcing those who didn’t to pay for it. That’s the blatant injustice at the heart of this debate. It is a con, a “Con-Dem con”.

The rich and all their kept politicians now insist on two “fundamental truths”. First that there is no alternative to inflicting lacerating cuts in our vital public services like health, education, transport, housing and care if we are to reduce our debts.

The second is equally false — that “we are all in this together”.