Friday, May 20, 2011

Bin Laden Death Script & the Needed Trigger for Next Step-Pakistan

Click here to access article by Sibel Edmonds from her Boiling Frogs blog. 

Edmonds is a former FBI translator who was fired because she blew the whistle on government cover-ups and criminal activity. She is another important anti-war voice of reason that we must listen to if we are to prevent another round of wars concocted by capitalist empire builders. 

In this article she offers evidence that there is a US strategy against China that informs the Empire's plans for Pakistan. I agree with her assessment of the importance of Pakistan to the US Empire and the threat to the Empire that China poses. (For more evidence, read this.) 

Should Pakistan escape the clutches of the US Empire and embrace China, a dangerous chain of events could ensue with very unpredictable consequences. Such inter-capitalist rivalries are dangerous for working people, because it is we, or our sons and daughters, whose lives will be sacrificed to settle these inter-capitalist rivalries for dominance. We simply cannot allow them to repeat the horrendous war crimes they perpetrated in the last century. Only organized, informed, peace-loving working people throughout the world can put a stop to this.