Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Libya Media Hoax: Fabricated Scenes of Jubilation and Euphoria on Green Square

Click here to access article by Metro Gael from Global Research. 
Surpassing previous mass media fabrications, both in scale and boldness, yesterday morning's Al Jazeera mise-en-scène will surely go down in history as one of the most cynical hoaxes committed by corporate media since the manipulated pictures of Iraqis topplying Saddam Hussein's statue after the US invasion in 2003. 
The author reveals how the Empire is using media and media infiltrators consisting of CIA-M16 agents as another weapon in their conquest of Libya.

See also this report by Thierry Meyssan who is in Tripoli about the well coordinated use of corporate-NATO propaganda. 

Clearly, the lives of all independent journalists are very much in jeopardy.

Do not trust news coverage from Al Jazeera--it's owned by the royal family of Qatar that is heavily involved in NATO's campaign against Libya.