Saturday, August 6, 2011

A model for the world: Iceland's loud 'No'

Click here to access article by Silla Sigurgeirsdóttir and Robert H. Wade from Voltaire.

 Learn how a small group of people in Iceland gradually gained "ownership" over so much wealth, and gained control of Iceland by their collusion with neo-liberal forces in the world.
There is a direct line of descent from the quasi-feudal power structures of the 19th century to the modernised Icelandic capitalism of the later 20th century, when a bloc of 14 families, popularly known as The Octopus, were the economic and political ruling elite. The Octopus controlled imports, transport, banking, insurance, fishing and supplies to the Nato base and provided most top politicians.
But Icelanders are not fools, nor do they wish to become neo-liberal slaves--they are fighting back!