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This excellent blogger assembles a lot of material to clearly illustrate how the US government has absolutely no interest in creating jobs, no matter how much they keep saying that they want to promote jobs. Their policies are concentrating even more wealth into the hands of those who, while hiding behind a "democratic" facade, rule over us.
Obama was essentially hired by the political operatives of the ruling class because he could be packaged and sold as a "minority" candidate who would support populist type policies. It worked! Once again, most Americans were played for fools.
The first signs of an economic collapse appeared in the Fall of 2007 with the loan default rates soaring in Europe. Many economists could foresee the collapse unfolding in the near future elsewhere. The political operatives of the ruling class clearly saw the need for a smooth talking populist type of candidate to carry them through the impending crisis. Thus, they recruited Obama who seemed to fit the role perfectly. And, he has.
The political operatives of the ruling class gave Obama his script and he has been talking about jobs ever since. While Obama was talking jobs, the Fed, which is owned and controlled by the ruling class, instead of creating jobs by funding badly needed infra-structure projects, had other plans in mind. They used their money machine to create money (debts for us) to bail out their banks (along with AIG, a mortgage insurance company) who found themselves stuck with a lot of the packaged mortgages that they had been peddling like snake oil all over the world.