Friday, October 21, 2011

Has the CIA infiltrated U.S. colleges?

Click here to access article by Amy Nichol Smith from The Monitor (Texas). 

The article is about a recently published book entitled, The CIA on Campus: Essays on Academic Freedom and the National Security State, edited by Professor Philip Zwerling of the University of Texas-Pan American in Edinburg, Texas. The book provides evidence to show that the CIA is back once again infiltrating, training agents, influencing courses on university campuses:
I started hearing these stories that not only was there CIA recruitment of students on campus, but in fact, the CIA had a program where they subsidized courses and a degree program that students were able to major in courses that were called … Global Studies, but involved really trying to identify and groom future employees for the CIA. 
Sibel Edmonds in her blog has provided an audio interview with the professor behind a pay-wall.