Saturday, November 5, 2011

Casino Capitalism and Higher Education

Click here to access article by Henry Giroux from CounterPunch. (You will need to scroll down to the article.) 

This astute scholar explains why the ruling class is currently making savage cuts to all areas of education. Do you think it would be too rash to conclude that the ruling class wants only obedient, ignorant, and only a few highly trained wage/debt slaves to employ in their enterprises?
Ignorance is now the political and cultural currency of choice and provides the foundation for an ongoing neoliberal attack on the social state, workers, and unions, matched by a full-fledged assault on higher education. Such attacks are not happening just in the United States but in many other parts of the globe where neoliberalism is waging a savage battle to eliminate all of those public spheres that might offer a glimmer of critical thought and any viable form of opposition to market-driven policies, institutions, ideology, and values.