Thursday, November 3, 2011

Extreme Weather Is a Thing of the Future: So Says The IPCC, and We Should Believe Them

Click here to access article by Astrid Caldas from Huffington Post.
A new IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report obtained by the Associated Press emphasizes that extreme weather events are "a noticeable aspect of climate change" and states that there is a 2 in 3 probability that man-made greenhouse gases have exacerbated recent extreme weather events. The report also states that climate scientists are 99% certain that there will be more extreme heat than cold, and the main concern associated with that is increased precipitation in the form of heavy rainstorms, since evaporation increases in a warmer atmosphere, which will hold more moisture.
Our planet Earth is also rebelling against the capitalist system. The problem is that its rebellion will destroy us all regardless of whether we were on the right side of the capitalism-climate issue.