Monday, November 28, 2011

Feminism, Finance and the Future of #Occupy - An interview with Silvia Federici

Click here to access article from Infoshop News. 

This piece presents an interview with a feminist of long experience who offers her insights on the important contributions of the still-active feminist movement on the current Occupy movement and the latter movement's struggle with the capitalist ruling class of the one percent. the present economic context, is it [is] impossible to take on Wall Street’s ‘crimes’ without confronting the entire economic system at the basis of its abuses. As with any other movements, there are different strands within the Occupations. Some participants may be satisfied with just obtaining a more regulated banking system, or a return to Keynesianism. But the economic crisis is bringing to light, in a dramatic way, the fact that the capitalist class has nothing to offer to the majority of the population except more misery, more destruction of the environment, and more war.