Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Media Lies Used to Provide a Pretext for Another "Humanitarian War": Protest in Syria: Who Counts the Dead?

Click here to access article by Julie Lévesque from Global Research.
The "Syrian uprising" seems to be a copy and paste of the "protest movement" in Libya, which was conducive to a NATO invasion and regime change. The mainstream press has once again one principal source of information – the opposition groups. The media neglects military casualties and fails to report that armed gunmen, 17,000 according to a report from the International Institute for Strategic Studies, are among the protesters. A non-elected body, the SNC, ironically is upheld as a democratic movement and is offered "credibility" as well as extensive mainstream media coverage.
The author provides a lot evidence and arguments that there is a massive disinformation campaign going against the Syrian government to prepare the way for another NATO "humanitarian mission". I don't wish to imply that there is no legitimate opposition against the current ruling administration, but it appears to me that it is being grossly exaggerated and exploited by Western political operatives.