Monday, November 21, 2011

No Cops, No Bosses

Click here to access article from UCDavis Bicycle Barricade.

It's quite amazing and inspiring for an old-time activist like myself to see the current fire of revolutionary consciousness spreading all across the US by courageous young activists. So, let us pay a visit to the campus at UC Davis in Davis, California.

The [university] administration, as a managerial class for whom the ideal university is a massive corporation in imperialist partnership with other massive corporations and banks, will never accede to our demands for self-management, greater student and community participation in university governance, and better working conditions. The administration at UC Davis and every other UC campus has proven that, when faced with these demands, they will unleash violence in our learning spaces.

We demand the abolition of the administration and the transfer of all their functions to workers, students, and faculty.