Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Take down letter from Citigroup

Click here to access article by John Schmitt from Real-World Economics Review.
I’ve just received my second Digital Millenium Copyright Act take-down letter. As before, the letter is from the Kilpatrick Townsend, Attorneys At Law, and, as before, the letter is on behalf of their client, Citigroup.
It looks like Citigroup is going after websites that have posted their infamous "plutonomy" document, a document that I first discovered in May 2010, posted a link to it on this site, and when that was removed, re-linked to a posting from another site which is still carrying the document. Like the author of this piece, I don't see how they can remove it from the entire internet. But, it appears that they are starting to panic at the prospect of too many people learning about the deep sociopathic characteristics of their class of people.