Friday, November 4, 2011

The U.S. is Planning World War 3 [8:41m video interview]

Click here to access video interview with Michel Chossudovsky for Russia Today.

With the OWS movement flaring all over the US and in many parts of the globe, and the there-is-no-alternative-capitalism in disarray, ruling class political operatives may out of sheer desperation look to an old ploy: start another war to distract people. They have had their sights on Iran for some time and would love to add this oil rich country to their Empire. Now we are seeing Western officials making frequent references to Iran (and Syria) as a threat to security. See this, this, this, and this. Chossudovsky offers some interesting perspectives to support his thesis that although the planners have a more limited objective in mind, this attack on Iran would inevitably lead to WWIII.