Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Occupy Goes Home on December 6

Click here to access article by Manny Jalonschi from The Indypendent. 

The Occupy movement is moving on to re-occupy foreclosed homes! 
The reclamation of foreclosed homes represents a new stage for the Occupy movement, one that comes in the wake of violent police dispersal of protest camps nationwide. With 1 in 4 mortgages currently in default and, a new Government Accounting Office report showing an increase in vacant residential properties from 7 million in 2007 to 10 million in 2010, it seems more than likely that the movement will continue to find ample support and opportunities to “Occupy our Homes.”
See also this report from The Guardian entitled, "Wall Street protesters to occupy foreclosed homes". 
As police crackdowns on Occupy sites continue, protesters enter 'new frontier.'