Monday, January 23, 2012

The Eurasian Triple Entente: Touch Iran in a War, You Will Hear Russia and China

Click here to access article by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya from Strategic Culture Foundation. 

I think this author explains much of current US policies against Syria and Iran, and the current US administration's decision to expand military bases in the Far East. The Empire will brook no opposition to its dominance in the world nor will it tolerate even independence.
With the inclusion of the Chinese, the Russian Federation and Iran are widely considered to be allies and partners. Together the Russia Federation, the People’s Republic of China, and the Islamic Republic of Iran form a barrier against the United States. The three form this through a triple alliance that is the core of a Eurasian coalition resisting Washington’s encroachment into Eurasia and America’s quest for global hegemony.
This struggle for dominance has been ongoing for the past 10 to 15 thousand years as tiny ruling classes have arisen within societies to control wealth and power for themselves. Although less than 2% of human existence, this has resulted in a period of human history characterized by extremes of living standards, crime, police oppression, wars, disease, and famine. If we wish to continue living on this planet, we simply must cease the rule by tiny minorities regardless of how they justify their rule: religion, divine right, tradition, markets and property rights, etc.