Friday, January 27, 2012

Presidency of Arab League seeks to bury own experts’ report

Click here to access article from Voltaire Network.
Since the outbreak of the events that have cast a dark shadow over Syria, two interpretations stand in opposition to each other: for the West and their Gulf allies, the regime crushed the popular revolution in blood, while for Syria and its BRICS allies, the country is assailed by armed groups coming from abroad.
Because we do not have access to the report of the Arab League Observer Mission, it is difficult to be 100% sure whose version is correct. Fortunately, we also have had some access to independent journalist coverage provided by Voltaire Network journalists. But it doesn't take much in the way of intelligence to know that if the Arab League report confirmed Western media coverage that the report would be made public. So, in its absence Western media can keep on with their story line of the Syrian government's oppression of their people in order to prepare citizens in the West to support another Libya type of operation.