Thursday, January 19, 2012

Which way forward for the 99%?

Click here to access article from Anarkismo. (Note: the main article is just below the announcement about a mobilization on May 1st.)
...we are looking to offer real solutions to addressing issues of immediate concern where each of us is at, through direct collective action from the bottom-up. The goal is to continue the ongoing shift currently happening within the movement from just mobilizing, to organizing.... Mobilizing is necessary, but it is not enough. We can’t just call people out to engage in action. We need to build the networks, organizations and campaigns that provide the opportunities for an ever greater number of people to participate in the decision-making process and functioning of the autonomous popular organizations we are creating.
These next steps are of critical importance. What happens in the near future will have a major impact on the outcome of the contest between the One Percent and the rest of us. We simply must start the slow, hard work of organizing to build a society of the 100%.