Sunday, January 1, 2012

World War III Has Begun [The NWO's updated version for world domination]]

Click here to access article by Wayne Madsen from Strategic Culture Foundation. 

The author provides some searing insights on the global domination strategy of the Empire's One Percent ruling class.
Today, wars are crafted by the upper one percent of wealthy elitists who, using non-governmental organizations, television networks, non-profit “think tanks,” and public relations firms, can declare war on nations without a whimper from elected public officials.
I'm sure you, like most people, thought that the Nazis lost WWII. Are you ready for this? The truth is.......the German Nazis lost that war--but the Anglo-American Nazis won the war. Yes, I know that they have different styles, but the substance is the same--an obsession with power and dominance. The Anglo-American initial sole possession of the atomic bomb greatly magnified this obsession. This was followed by a huge increase in weapons of all kinds. Today in order to maintain its hegemony over the world, the US spends about as much on weapons as all other countries combined. Then if you combine these expenditures with that of the rest of the NATO countries, you can see how the Empire rules through the overwhelming threat of force.

Their first battles they fought were of a cold war nature against the only rival left standing--the Soviet Union and its satellites. Once the latter collapsed from the weight of centralized ruling bureaucracies, only various liberation movements and independent countries remain. (Well, there is China; but they furnish cheap labor for US corporations and buy US government paper, so they must only be contained.) 

The author describes the strategy presently being applied on these people, especially if they have any valuable resources or strategic importance, in order to bring them under the control of the Empire. Meanwhile, Empire's political operatives still make half-assed attempts to maintain the appearance of support for the principles of freedom and democracy within the center of the Empire; but they are clearly preparing to rule their own populations with the iron fist of fascism.
Those who seek to extend American and global elitist control over the entire planet will not rest until every acre of land comes under the firm control of the oligarchs of Wall Street, the spymasters of the CIA, and the globalist business cartels and families.