Monday, February 6, 2012

Class Warfare in America: a Teach-in for Occupy San Jose

Click here to access article by Gil Villagrán from IndyBay. 

An excellent summary of facts and figures, always missing from school courses, about the ongoing class war in the US from its beginning in the original European settlements until today. 
Our nation’s class war began as early as 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia, established by the Virginia Company of London—a charter corporation granted by King James. English, Scot, Irish, Dutch, Polish, German and other European immigrants were recruited as indentured servants, working up to five years to pay off their indenture. Children born to these servants themselves became servants along with their parents in exchange for room and board. Many of the indentured did not live long enough to complete their five years of servitude. But seeking to lower costs and increase profits to the colony owners and managers (the CEOs of the period) by 1619 the first African slaves were imported for heavy work, unpaid, of course.