Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Longshore workers name Occupy movement as crucial in EGT settlement

Click here to access article by Steven Argue & Occupy EGT from Indybay. 

It appears that the longshore workers together with the support of the local Occupiers won a court settlement in support of their union's (ILWU) jurisdiction on hiring at the Export Grain Terminal (EGT) in Longview, Washington. 
"The Occupy Movement and rank-and-file unionists both within and outside of our ranks have forced the company to settle, but this is not over," said Jess Kincaid of Occupy Portland. "Occupy doesn't sign contracts. We have not entered into any agreements with EGT, nor do we intend to do so. EGT and its parent company Bunge bribe the government for military escorts, use slave labor in Brazil and systematically avoid contributing anything to our social safety net in the US or abroad. There is no ethic here beyond putting money back in the pocket of the 1% at the cost of working people and the sustainability of the earth."
Meanwhile, I have yet to see any coverage of this in local mainstream media.