Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mark Ames: Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine

Click here to access article by Mark Ames from Naked Capitalism.

My operating policy is to run only current articles, but this one run in November is just too great to be missed. It covers a lot of important issues: how debt-money in countries such as Greece are used to buy military equipment, the fascists who form an important component of the real One Percent in Europe and their policies. I haven't had time to read the whole article for the other gems.
That’s where we are today. Greece drowning in debt, its democracy broken, and despite fighting the Nazis in World War Two, and taking back democracy from a fascist junta in 1974–in the end, it was the EU and the Western banks that put a guy like Makis “Hammer” Voridis, the guy who patrolled his law school with a makeshift ax, in power, administering banker-pain.

The implications of the EU and bankers forcing Greece, the birthplace of democracy, to cancel a popular plebiscite as “irresponsible,” forcing instead an austerity regime composed partly of neo-Nazis fascists to administer more “pain”–is something that should frighten the shit out of everyone. Because like it or not, we’re all in the cross-hairs of the same banking interests, and we’re all going to face it again and again. Greece just happens to be the first in line.