Saturday, February 4, 2012

Monsanto’s New Seeds Could Be a Tech Dead End

Click here to access article by Tom Laskawy from Civil Eats.  

Corporate agriculture is constantly introducing innovations that serves the profit interests of the One Percent. Their use of pesticides in combination with "ownership" of genetically modified seeds may produce more immediate profits, but these practices are creating long term threats to our food supply and our health. Because the One Percent also "owns" the government, we cannot look to it for protection. The author gives us the latest scoop on Monsanto's activities.
The USDA, along with the entire large-scale agriculture economy, is built around the profits of pesticide and biotech companies. You need only watch the USDA approve new genetically engineered products—which the agency admits represents a threat to other forms of agriculture—to see how deep in the tank to these companies our government is.