Thursday, February 16, 2012

The New York Times: America's Unofficial Propaganda Ministry

Click here to access article by Stephen Lendman from The Peoples Voice.
For over a century, The Times played America's lead role disseminating state/corporate propaganda duplicitously.

Its daily diet features managed, not real, news, information and analysis. Readers don't get what they pay for. They're cheated on what matters most.

What it reports, other major media scoundrels regurgitate. Readers and viewers are left misinformed and uninformed in the dark.

Wealth and power support defines its agenda, especially when America goes to war or plans to.
The NY Times, along with the Washington Post, really does function as a propaganda ministry for the One Percent ruling class in the US. Although it does provide much more hard news than other newspapers, it also frames issues of concern to capitalists and sets the limits of criticism or revelations of misdeeds of capitalist agents that can be allowed to be published in any media. Journalists or media companies who violate these guidelines are often punished severely. (See this posting.)