Sunday, February 12, 2012

Propaganda Wars : Their Version – “Markets don’t fail”

Click here to access article by David Malone from his blog, Golem XIV

I had to read this quite hastily to meet my posting deadline, but it appears to reveal details about the propaganda war that the One Percent is waging against us over all the corporate owned media. 
...the bankers’ sanitized narrative is that markets don’t fail, people do and when a bank or a banker is caught doing something fraudulent or immoral it is just a bad apple which is neatly replaced. Imperative is the message that there is NOTHING intrinsically wrong with the banking/finance system as it is now constituted. THAT is their central concern and version of reality.

The other side of their strategy, which I suggest we”ll see more of in the coming months, is to suggest those who oppose them are suspect or even dangerous.