Friday, February 17, 2012

Workers’ control in Greece: Eleftherotypia’s workers are back with their own newspaper

Click here to access article by Moissis Litsis from Coalition of Resistance. 

Greek workers keep showing us the way to fight the One Percent ruling class. Here we see them taking the first steps to control media in Greece. In my opinion, this is a crucial stage in the struggle against capitalism. It is precisely the capitalist control of media that keeps workers all over the world ignorant of their real interests and their power.
...Greek public opinion...had been eagerly waiting for its publication – we were overwhelmed by messages cheering the journalists for publishing the newspaper themselves – since dictatorship of the markets is coupled with media dictatorship that makes Greek reality difficult to read and interpret. Had it not been for the general consensus that was maintained by most media in 2010, based on the argument that there was no alternative to Papandreou government signing the first Memorandum, whose patent failure has now been acknowledged by everyone, we might have seen the Greek people rising up much earlier in order to overturn a policy that has proven disastrous for all Europe.
2-21-2012 Update: Please read the comment I received from a "friend from Greece".