Sunday, March 4, 2012

“Bashar Assad rapes children”: BBC propaganda

Click here to access article by As'ad AbuKhalil from Al Akhbar (Lebanon). 
...the BBC – like all other Western and Arab (read Saudi and Qatari) media rely on whatever accounts the media outlet of the Syrian opposition (all under the control of the propaganda apparatus of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood) provide. Thus, a mere statement by a “witness” is sufficient. And those low standards of journalism are only permitted against the Syrian regime and against the Iranian regime.
The author really should have provided a BBC link to support the title, but I think I have found what he is referring to in this piece from the BBC in which the following statement is made:
"Those responsible for the murder of entire families, the shelling of homes, the execution of detainees, the cleansing of political opponents and the torture and rape of women and children must be held to account," he said. (Foreign Secretary of the UK, William Hague.)
The information coming from the Ministry of Truth (Western media sources under the control of the 1% of the One Percent) is becoming evermore one sided, sensational, and even blatantly false