Monday, March 12, 2012

The Fall of the Argentine Assembly Movement [must read]

Click here to access article from the New Compass collective (Norway). (Note: there are a few minor English usage and/or typographical errors in the article.)

This is a review of a BA Honors thesis written by a student at the U. of Oregon. As the authors of this article state:
 ...the lessons learned in Argentina may be valueable [sic] for the assembly movements emerging around the world. If we are going to succeed in our struggle for "real democracy," we have to learn from the success’ and failures of past movements with similar ambitions.
I thoroughly agree. Therefore, I think that it is extremely important for all Occupiers, activists, and especially those committed to what is most commonly known as "horizontal democracy" (see this and this) to study both this review and the thesis on which it is based.