Monday, March 19, 2012

The ICNC Role in the Arab Spring

Click here to access article by Stuart Bramhall from her blog The Most Revolutionary Act. 
(This is the last of five posts about the American godfather of nonviolent resistance, Gene Sharp, and the role of CIA and Pentagon-funded foundations and think tanks in funding and promoting nonviolent resistance)
There is much food for thought in this piece, specifically about the extent of US manipulation of events in the MENA region. My own view is that the insurrections began spontaneously, but were quickly infiltrated and influenced by political operatives of the Empire. I can't believe that they were instigated by the operatives. But, clearly these operatives have been behind all the other "color revolutions" on states bordering the Empire that had some level of discontent to build on: Yugoslavia, Georgia, Ukraine, Libya, etc, and now in Syria.