Tuesday, March 13, 2012

‘Libya to see endless war of tribal feuds’

Click here to access article and 1:25m video interview with Pepe Escobar from RT. 

Escobar explains why news of events in Libya, which is not good, has dropped off of Western media reports: Western oil companies have secured their oil contracts. Meanwhile, tribal war and chaos has erupted all over Libya. Once again we see the results of the Empire's interventions spreading murder, mayhem, and social disasters in one country after another: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria--and they are only the most well-known and recent. 

The governments of the One Percent are international criminals committing the grossest of crimes against humanity to satisfy their addictions to profit and power. We of the 99 Percent everywhere are all victims in one way or another. 

There is so much at stake in this contest. It is for the very future of the human race: will it be a nightmarish dystopia or will humanity blossom to its full potential and live in harmony with each other and their planet's ecosystem? If we sit back, stare mindlessly at the Empire's boobtube (TV) and do nothing, the outcome will definitely be the former.