Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Obama Admins 'Death Committee'

9:53m video excerpt from Russia Today via YouTube.

Columbia law school professor Scott Horton comments on Attorney General Eric Holder's attempt to justify the Obama's administration's declaration that they can decide to kill you if they regard you as a threat. 

Isn't capitalist "democracy" wonderful where one is given the opportunity to choose leaders from the sordid assortment offered by the political parties of the One Percent? Of course, these candidates are not the real decision makers, but the 99 Percent must have their delusions about elections and "democracy" maintained. But, you say, "what about the Constitution? Well yes, that is a nice document, but rather quaint, don't you think?

A more comprehensive report on how Attorney General Holder attempted to justify this new policy is provided by David Swanson from AlterNet.