Thursday, March 1, 2012

US mothballs airborne laser missile defense weapon

Click here to access article from Associated Press via Fox News. 

If you are distressed by the large teacher-student ratio of the classes that your children attend, the cutbacks in library hours, the huge tuition increases in universities, cutbacks in medical care for the poor, etc, well here is where more than half of your tax money is going--weapons and those that make them such as Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, etc. (see this

This article reports on how they kept this particular boondoggle going for "defense" contractors for 15 years inspired by full spectrum dominance fantasies originating in Reagan's neoconservative administration.

I wonder how many more teachers and librarians that we could have had with this $5 billion dollars that they spent on this weapon. I guess we should be grateful that it proved to be worthless and didn't kill anybody.