Tuesday, March 6, 2012

US will ensure Israel's "military superiority": Panetta [to AIPAC]

Click here to access article from Al-Akhbar and AFP. 
He touted President Barack Obama's record of security assistance to Israel, saying the administration has "dramatically" increased military aid since Obama entered the White House in 2009, despite the superpower's ongoing economic woes.
I've always wondered what Congressional bills that are used to authorize this welfare grant to Israel for the last--what, 40 years? Unlike bills related to health, education, and welfare in our country, I never hear reports of it being discussed, much less debated. The official figure is always around $3 billion dollars, but I have read reports of military donations being simply flown into Israel and left--which is not accounted for in US assistance figures.

I may have a suspicious mind, but I often imagine that a lot of this money circulates back into the pockets of Congressional representatives to influence their votes.

Yes, I know that Fort Israel is needed by the Empire to control the Middle East, I just wish that there were a little more transparency in this policy. (cynicism)