Thursday, March 15, 2012

VIDEO: See What Armed Domestic Drones Look Like [updated]

Click here to access article by Josh Bell from American Civil Liberties Union. ( 2:02 minute video, photo, and brief article.)

Look at the latest weapon that the enforcers of the One Percent have ready to insure your compliance to their diktats.

The major US enforcer, the FBI, is fearing more domestic opposition and is preparing the public for more brutal police actions against protestors and activists by labeling them as terrorists. See this ABC announcement news report entitled, "FBI Warns of Homegrown Violence After Afghan Massacre".
High level federal officials have repeatedly warned that one of the greatest threats facing the American homeland comes from self-radicalized, homegrown terrorists who may be inspired by -- but have little to no contact with -- major terrorist groups.
Of course, the FBI regards property destruction such as breaking a window as "violence".
The FBI defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
Consider the case of Marie Mason as an illustration of a "terrorist" that the FBI considers dangerous. From a support site we have this report on her "crime" and police state justice in our capitalist society:
Marie Mason is a loving mother of two and a long-time activist in the environmental and labor movements. In March 2008, she was arrested by federal authorities for charges related to two acts of property destruction that occurred in 1999 and 2000; no one was injured in either of them. She accepted a plea bargain and was sentenced on February 5, 2009 to just under 22 years. She is now serving the longest sentence of any "Green Scare" prisoner.
The “Green Scare” is the name given to the recent arrests of animal rights and environmental activists who have been charged with acts of economic sabotage. Federal authorities have sought outrageous sentences (often Life in prison) and have publicly and legally labeled the activists as “terrorists” – despite the fact that no one has been killed or injured in any of the acts.
Compare that with corporate crimes like Union Carbide's Bhopal disaster, Exxon's negligence causing the Valdez oil spill, and British Petroleum's negligence resulting in the recent Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.