Sunday, March 4, 2012

Witch-Hunt Against CAP & Media Matters Escalates

Click here to access article by Omar Baddar from Jadaliyya.

Israeli leaders and their US Zionist allies are putting enormous pressure on the Obama administration to provide guarantees for a nuclear-weapon-free Iran. Of course, their first preference is that US forces take out Iranian nuclear facilities. They are even going so far as to threaten unilateral military strikes against Iran without these guarantees thinking that their ace-in-the-hole US Zionist supporters will force the US to come to the aid of Israel should the latter start a war with Iran. 

It is a very high-stakes game that Israeli leaders are playing by risking so much harm to Israeli citizens in the event of a war--unless of course they are bluffing. From this article it appears that US Zionists are using every conceivable ploy including a well-funded media campaign and attacks on critics of Israel in order to obtain this guarantee. Of course, the fact the Israel has nuclear arms is simply never mentioned.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the smear campaign launched against two progressive groups, the Center for American Progress (CAP) and Media Matters, for the crime of permitting criticism of Israel to occasionally appear in their analyses. That “crime” is then grossly exaggerated not only into “anti-Israel” accusations, but also into accusations of “anti-Semitism.” The latter charge comes in line with a long history of baseless accusations of “anti-Semitism” leveled against groups, academics, and intellectuals who are critical of Israeli policies. The smear campaign has been exposed and combatted by many....