Monday, April 9, 2012

Defend Günter Grass!

Click here to access article by Ulrich Rippert from World Socialist Web Site.

In today's Orwellian world to speak the truth is no longer permissible. Nobel literature prizewinner Günter Grass is the latest to discover this. He is receiving widespread criticism for stating two obvious, basic truths about Israel and its current regime.
  • Israel has developed numerous nuclear weapons and the capability of using them.
  • The current Israeli government has been advocating and preparing an attack on Iran.  
There can be no doubt that the war preparations against Iran by the Israeli government are in an advanced stage. In late January, the New York Times ran a lengthy article entitled, “Will Israel attack Iran?” The article confirms that Israeli preparations for military strikes against Iran are proceeding with great speed and intensity. The author—Ronen Bergman, a political analyst with the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth—concluded: “Having spoken with several senior Israeli leaders and the heads of military and intelligence agencies, I am of the opinion that Israel will strike against Iran in 2012.”