Friday, April 20, 2012

Do Emissions Cause Tornadoes? Climate Service Would Know

Click here to access article from Bloomberg editorial. 

Even the people at this premier Wall Street financial news service would like to know the answers, but the Neanderthals in the Republican party are keeping their heads firmly in the sand. Referring to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the editorial reveals that...
The agency has for years wanted to create a National Climate Service that would track and assess climate change, figuring out whether it is to blame for specific extreme weather events such as tornadoes, floods, droughts, heat waves and hurricanes. In this and other ways, it would help people -- farmers, insurance companies, policy makers -- plan for changes in the growing season, coastal erosion, water supply, human health and so on.
In November [2011], however, Republican members of the House of Representatives killed that plan, even though it would have required no new funding at all.