Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Massacre of the Afghan 17 and the Obama Cover-Up

Click here to access article by James Petras from Canadian Dimension. 
...Obama [regime] has developed his entire new counter-insurgency strategy centred on the easy entry and bloody exits of US Special Forces targeting over 75 countries. The Special Forces figure prominently in Obama’s military preparations for Syria and Iran, which have been developed at the behest of his Zionist overlords.

In the final analysis, the entire imperial military apparatus of the Obama regime, while formidable on paper, depends on the ‘Special Operations’ formations. As such, they are the centrepiece of the new imperial warfare, developed as a response to the demands for reduced ground forces, budgetary constraints and growing domestic discontent. Their actions are designed to leave no witnesses and no embarrassments. They may be the butchers of children, women and unarmed civilians but they are the White House’s butchers.

Obama with his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, in Hawaii in 1979 during his high school graduation.

Obama, having been essentially raised by his white banker grandmother who enrolled him in an exclusive private school in Hawaii, was socialized in the values and norms of the One Percent--use of any means necessary to serve their interests of power and profit and the system which delivers these. With his black skin and fine rhetorical skills, he has served the One Percent well by confusing ordinary people into thinking that he really did represent "change". But, that is the same old formula used by most ruling classes since they began about 10,000 years ago: deceive your subjects into believing that you are serving their needs.

See also this Australian news video which features interviews with Afghans at the scene of the massacre: