Sunday, May 13, 2012

12th of May: the “Indignados” are back

Click here to access article, videos, and pictures from Eagainst.

This website has given us a lot of material to show that the Spanish people have no intention of accepting austerity, public spending cuts, and selling off of public assets as proposed by the One Percent and banksters.
A year after the birth of the 15M movement, the Indignados returned to the streets of Spain.

Thousands of protesters gathered in Madrid and marched to the square of Puerta del Sol. The protesters intend to remain there for at least four days, setting up a “permanent assembly” ignoring the official ban, according to which no protest should take place after 22:00.

Protests were held in Seville and Valencia. El Pais reported protests in at least 80 cities of Spain, while the Spanish media report that strong police force is expected to grow in all areas of demonstrations.