Monday, May 7, 2012

Global warming: New research emphasizes the role of global economic growth

Click here to access article by Diane Swanbrow from University of Michigan News Service. 

More research shows the obvious (to me) link between economic growth and carbon emissions. 
It's a message no one wants to hear: To slow down global warming, we'll either have to put the brakes on economic growth or transform the way the world's economies work.
Oh um, so who cares? The global One Percent class whose power and wealth derive from the current economic system of capitalism which depends on growth are mainly the ones who don't want to hear this, and they won't. After all, "there is no alternative!" This report, like the many preceding it, will never make the 6 o'clock evening news on any major TV or radio network. But we will hear our media pundits saying that we need growth to create more jobs, and that will be sufficient to maintain "business as usual". Or as Bill McKibben recently wrote about the vacuous reporting of mainstream media:
So here’s a prediction: next Sunday, no matter how big and beautiful the demonstrations may be that we’re mounting across the world, “Face the Nation” and “Meet the Press” won’t be connecting the dots. They’ll be gassing along about Newt Gingrich’s retirement from the presidential race or Mitt Romney’s coming nomination, and many of the commercials will come from oil companies lying about their environmental efforts.
It appears that only when the ocean laps up onto Manhattan streets, when tornadoes wreck more havoc on a daily basis, when vast areas of the Midwest deteriorate into deserts and we can't grow enough food, only then will there be sufficient number of people who are determined to change "the way the world's economies work". But, it will be too late.

This will be the tragic scenario if we of the 99 Percent continue to follow the authorities of the One Percent like sheep to the slaughterhouse.

But, there is hope. Over the internet people are getting some valuable information that is helping them to connect the dots: