Monday, May 7, 2012

How Occupy Wall Street Has Already Won

Click here to access article by Molly James from Policymic.
...the extremely power[ful] notion that citizens need not rely on governments or corporations to seek a better world is out of the bottle and won't be corked again. 
I think this thesis really captures the significance of the current zeitgeist. The Occupy movement is still a minority, still rudimentary in form; but this initial step is very much on the road to revolution. Many others are about ready to take this step. It will only take more business-as-usual from the political operatives of the One Percent to convince more to take this all important step in the right direction. And this will surely happen simply because more business-as-usual is on the agenda--capitalism is ideologically bankrupt.

Further on down this path lies the revolutionary awareness that capitalist governments and capitalism must be completely demolished and new people-centered institutions must be designed and created.