Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nick Robinson: how (not) to report a planned war crime

Click here to access article by Hicham Yezza from Ceasefire (UK). 
A BBC news story has revealed UK politicians are planning to offer diplomatic, possibly military, support to an Israeli attack against Iran, despite the fact this would break international law, inflame the Middle East and endanger British citizens everywhere. 
Could this be because the One Percent ruling class and their obedient employees in the media have enjoyed so much success in the past decade in promoting their wars regardless of public opposition? Is the following statement really true?
But is political life in the UK so emaciated and numb that this fairly consequential news item has so far met with little more than indifference and some faint murmurings from the radical fringes? [my emphasis]
Are we already in a hideous dystopia where the ruling class, because of overwhelming power, no longer fear their subject populations and can rule with impunity?