Friday, May 11, 2012

Obama backs gay marriage

Click here to access article by Joseph Kishore from World Socialist Web Site. 

Rather than a principled stand, the author argues that his backing for gay marriage is all about winning back the more advantaged liberals that Obama has lost since the last election because of his policies serving the interests of the One Percent. This backing offers a way to distract such people from the more vital issues facing the 99 Percent. 
The pro-Democratic Party organizations seek to promote issues of identity and lifestyle as a means of obscuring the basic class issues and diverting attention from the thoroughly reactionary policies of the Obama administration on every front. In doing so, they seek to exploit the general support for equality and the expansion of marriage rights, particularly among young people. The Democratic Party uses such issues in the attempt to establish points of difference with the Republicans, under conditions in which the two parties agree on all fundamental issues.