Thursday, May 24, 2012

Occupy Journalists Stopped, Searched, Handcuffed & Interrogated at Gunpoint

Click here to access article by Kevin Gosztola from Infoshop News. 

Maintaining illusions is the method of choice by political operatives of the One Percent to maintain their control of society; but when that fails, they don't hesitate to use force, violence, and incarceration. Hence, anyone who attempts to cover reality for the 99 Percent is perceived as, and treated like, an enemy.
There appears to have been a conscious targeting of bloggers and livestreamers. The Chicago police, possibly with help from the Department of Homeland Security, FBI or other federal agencies, appear to be working off a list of “suspected” people or spaces where they must go “check in” on what is happening simply to ensure all is safe. Of course, this is illegal. Without a warrant or probable cause, rights are being clearly violated.