Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Only a Populist Movement Will Lead to True Freedom and an Inclusive Democracy

Click here to access article by Greg Ruggiero from Buzzflash. 

This is a revised introduction to a new book by Noam Chomsky entitled, Occupy, which attempts to assess the accomplishments, explain the significance and the possibilities of the Occupy movement.
Underlying Occupy's success has been its focus on the daily details of organizing. Major protests, civil disobedience and arrests are key parts of movement strategy, but the day-to-day activities of discussion, working groups and general assemblies are the deep structure, the ongoing forces adding mass and momentum to Occupy's wave. ...It's truly gone global, even reaching places like New Guinea. And online technology, like that used to create, is connecting Occupy forces around the country and helping to facilitate regional gatherings, strategies and actions.