Thursday, June 14, 2012

Black is White, Hedges are Bets, and Your Money is Mine

Click here to access article by Zeus Yiamouyiannis from Charles Hugh Smith's blog, Of Two Minds.

Libertarian capitalists such as this writer are very good at examining the flaws of contemporary capitalism, and this piece is a worthy example. Unfortunately, they have a very naive streak running through their essays. It's as if a group of heroin addicts ended up in charge of the US Empire and these critics wrote essays arguing that this arrangement would be fine if only we could get these addicts to pass laws to control their addiction.
...we turn to frequent contributor Zeus Yiamouyiannis for a sharp analysis of why our "profits are private, losses are public" crony-capitalism is self-destructing and what is needed to move forward to a sustainable, adaptable, wealth-generating capitalism.