Friday, June 1, 2012

CIA Whistleblower Talks of 12 Month Incarceration over 9-11

Click here to access article by Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall from her blog, The Most Revolutionary Act. 

I highly recommend this most fascinating talk by a former CIA operative and commend Bramhall for bringing it to our attention.

(Note: the video link to Susan Lindauer's approximately 30 minute talk and one hour question and answer session was in Portland, Oregon last September at the Lucky Lab Brewing Company.)

Many activists will doubt the integrity of Bramhall when they read her reference to CIA backed foundations' funding of such left media sources as Democracy Now! But this does in fact happen and has been happening since the founding of the CIA in 1947. (Read The Mighty Wurlitzer by Hugh Wilford.) Left wing media are always starved for cash and can be financially seduced to modify their coverage in order to stay in existence. They probably justify this in their minds by repressing information about where the source of the funding lies, and by reasoning that with additional money they can do a more effective job of alternative reporting. To keep receiving this funding, such compromised media progressives will stop just short of any exposures that are too revealing of truth that the ruling class finds most damning.