Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Collapse At Hand

Click here to access article by Paul Craig Roberts from his website.

The author explains...
how the big banks can keep the interest rates on Treasuries low, below the rate of inflation, despite the constant increase in US debt as a percent of GDP–thus preserving the Treasury’s ability to service the debt.
And, he explains how the banks and our money-creators, the Federal Reserve, are all in this game together and desperately using all kinds of obscure financial instruments to keep US currency afloat.

Could this be the reason that Sec. of Defense, Leon Panetta, is in Hanoi right now exchanging war mementos with Vietnamese generals? Maybe he is buttering up the Vietnamese in order to secure military bases with which to attack China. A bit ironic, don't you think? But, this might help to eliminate a lot of our debt!